
Friday, September 5, 2014

Advertising your work

One of the things I have been reading lately is the Guide to Senior Executive Service Qualifications published by the United States Office of Personnel Management. The idea behind this guide is to help senior executives represent themselves best in terms of core qualifications. As such it lists 28 core qualifications broken down into five categories. These categories are
  • Leading Change
  • Leading People
  • Results Driven
  • Business Acumen
  • Building Coalitions

Most of the document is really about writing narratives about accomplishments and doing so in a way that meets with their criteria - i.e. following the CCAR model of Challenge-Context-Action-Result. The narratives should include specific examples of experience and focus on results. Basically it is building a good business and marketing plan for your work and your career.

In a previous post I wrote on the topic of who talks about your work says a lot about its importance.  While I wholeheartedly agree with OMB and their SEQ's and I am looking to add CCAR narratives to my resume, I find it is not the ONLY way to talk about your qualifications.  In fact, when using these for resumes, it talks about references.  It states to ensure that individuals provided as a reference can attest to your ability to perform the job and can speak to specific competencies.

In that previous post I gave examples of a digital reference - i.e. Governor O'Malley talking about a service we built for the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration.

My company and my group has done some good work for MEMA - the Maryland Emergency Management Agency. Some of that work includes a free app for Apple and Android that gives you real time alerts in your area called Maryland Prepares.

MEMA is working with various organizations and have begun positing advertisements on digital billboards in the Baltimore and Salisbury markets. Below is a picture of a billboard in Baltimore.

MEMA Maryland Prepares app advertised on digital billboard in Baltimore, MD
I think advertising like this is just cool!  As MC Hammer said, "U Can't Touch This!"

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